30 June 2008

Four-toed Mulch Skink - Hemiergis peronii peronii

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Four-toed Mulch Skink - Hemiergis peronii peronii

Each autumn I slash walking tracks around my property, which often leaves a heap of cut vegetation to one side, thereby providing very good cover for frogs and small lizards. Whilst looking for a particular frog in a moist spot under this vegetation, I came across this little guy. It was very cooperative and just sat on my hand whilst I got my camera out, but quickly disappeared once I returned it to the slashed material.

This Mulch Skink grows to around 200 mm total length (8"), so the one in the photo is a juvenile and will probably become lighter in color when it matures. The four toes can be clearly seen and separates it from the similar looking Five-toed Mulch Skink, which also occurs in the Esperance region. They both have the spotted flanks that is a feature of these species.